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  • What area's do you visit?
    At Giggles & Scissors, we strive to be as flexible as possible. While we are based on Brisbane’s North Side, there’s only so much ground we can cover—unfortunately, we’re a one-person team with a lot of distance to manage! We’ll always do our best to schedule your little one’s haircut as soon as we can. If there are existing bookings in your area, we’ll try to fit you in on the same day to avoid unnecessary backtracking. A travel fee may apply depending on your location, so please check when booking. Due to high demand, we’ve had to limit our mobile service areas. However, I can accommodate more clients in the salon. If we don’t service your area, you're always welcome to come visit us in Stafford Heights. A map of our main service areas can be found on the “Pricing” page.

  • My child REALLY doesn't like haircuts....
    This is a lot more common than you probably know! And this is why we do it in the comfort of your child's home. The biggest help is understanding that when a child goes near a pair of scissors, the first reaction from a parent is "NO", "don't touch", "they will cut you", "hurt you", "ouchy" and so on...... BUT What happens when you take them into a hairdressing salon?? They are placed in front of a mirror, told to sit still while a stranger (in most cases) waves a pair of sharp scissors around their face, ears and head. It is ok for your little one to be scared, upset or angry about haircuts. It wont last forever and when they get past that "fear", it 99.99% wont return! The most important thing is that you educate them why we need and get haircuts, and that no matter how much they may not like it, its something that just has to be done!

  • Do I need cash
    No, We carry a mobile eftpos machine. PLEASE NOTE- I carry an eftpos machine for your convenience and don't carry any change so if you wish to pay by cash, please have the correct amount.

  • What if my child is sick the day of their appointment?
    Please refer to our cancelation policy.

  • What is the minimum age do your cut hair?
    From about the 3 month old mark.

  • Can I have my haircut while your here to do my child's?
    Absolutely! Giggles & Scissors has a "word of mouth" home salon in north Brisbane. Pam has been hairdressing for 21 years and has 70% adult clients. We understand how hard it can be getting out of the house for "you" time. Chat to Pam about it when you make your child's appointment.

  • Can you cut my child's hair if they have Headlice?
    Yes I'm more than happy to do this for you. We do offer Headlice treatments but also understand that the length of the hair can make it hard to maintain. I do charge a cleaning fee as everything needs extra sterilisation after this.

  • Will you fix my child's fear on the first visit?
    Simple answer, highly unlikely. But it does happen. What to expect from your first appointment. Firstly we're not magicians! We try! And have techniques that make the experience easier for everyone but please don't expect that one visit will fix your child's fear! Sometimes the first visit can actually be just as traumatic as what you have experienced in the past, however you are at home, or in the studio in a controlled environment and can attend to your child's needs without the judgment of strangers at the shops. You can pop them straight in the shower if at home or change them In the studio, give them their fav toy and let them express how they're feeling.

  • What will the first visit look like?
    On the first visit I don't like to fuss to much. Your child will be curious, may even be in melt down mode if you have spoken to him/her before I arrive. I suggest a towel of their choosing, we wrap them in it and start the process. I'm absolutely happy to have a chat to your little one to ease them into it. However some of the children I see have ASD & the longer you put it off while I'm in their space, the more it escalates. There are children who will procrastinate, want a drink, want a toy, want to go to the toilet etc. I don't advise that you allow this as it's just prolonging the experience and the best results are quick in and out approach. My theory- 99% of what I see- A child doesn't like haircuts, We make them have them in a stressful environment, hair falls on their arms, into their shirt, in their mouth all while telling them to sit still and you wondering why it's such a big issue. I just simply the process. The towel can help stop the hair from ending up everywhere in turn can help them relax a little more and more over time they trust that we will keep the hair off them. By getting in and getting it done quick they can get on with the activity they were doing or self settle after the process. The more you have it done, over time the easier it gets. I 100% recommend an occupational therapist to help you desensitise your child. Depending what area you live in I can suggest one. At the end of the day we are not hurting them, it is uncomfortable at times but it is also part of life as is brushing your teeth.

  • HELP! I can't get rid of headlice!!
    These little critters will push your patience! I have a pretty basic way of removing them. I treat, condition and comb. Removal is only about 40% of getting on top of it. It's removing them from your home, car & the kids classroom that is going to push you! The very first thing you need to do is get hold of a "Lice Breaker" Comb. I sometimes have them in stock but your best bet is to order one on line or try a local chemist. IT HAS TO BE LICE BREAKER. Nothing else will work.


Childrens Haircuts are non refundable due to limited availability during this time.

Haircuts are paid for in advance to confirm your appointment & unfortunately cant be moved or cancelled once confirmed or full amount is forfeited. This is to limit last min cancellations, no shows and protecting a small business. 

Thank you for understanding 

    Trading Hours




    I work by appointment only & can work late most of these afternoons 


    Please contact us via Email or Text message.

    Phone calls are hard to take during the day but will always do my best.

    Pam- 0412427453


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